Woman smiling arms outstretched in underwear

5 Things
That Will Make
You Click

Etre is here to help you awaken your sexuality and help nourish your mind, body and spirit. Join us for intimate conversations about all things pleasure, sex, relationships and wellness.

women torso touching her hip under sweater

Ready to explore new ways to get in touch with yourself?

Are you ready to explore new ways to get in touch with yourself? Embody a new level of confidence? Create a new relationship with your sensuality?

In this article, we’ll dive into different techniques for self-pleasure so that you can make the most out of the experience.

Let’s own OUR sexual satisfaction

The fact of the matter is, we don’t talk openly about what’s required for women to have a good sexual experience and most heterosexual women learn the mechanics of sex from movies or from what a male partner tells them.

Women naked in tree

Embrace your Feminine Energy

Like yin and yang, we are all made up of feminine and masculine energy. In order to survive in today’s world, however, many women push down or devalue their feminine side and connect more with their masculine energy.

Self-loving plus size woman smiling happily while wearing underwear. Body positive woman with an Afro hairstyle embracing her natural body and curves.

Confidence building is simpler than it seems

When I see a confident woman, I smile inside and immediately cheer her on. (Yes, girl, slay it.) I am proud of her for finding her strength and being sure of herself. She inspires me and encourages me to stand in my own strengths. One of my greatest wishes is for more women and girls to find and feel confidence within themselves earlier, with more ease and in a bolder way