Embrace your Feminine Energy
BY Etre

Like yin and yang, we are all made up of feminine and masculine energy. In order to survive in today’s world, however, many women push down or devalue their feminine side and connect more with their masculine energy.

Feminine energy can mean different things to different people, but it typically embodies intuition, deep feeling, creativity, interconnectedness, openness, self-worth and wildness. Masculine energy centers more around competitiveness and productivity.

When women lose touch with their feminine energy, we are often left feeling disconnected with their body and sense of self.

Nude woman by tree

By activating this important part of ourselves, we can develop new levels of power, pleasure and confidence.

We can discover a new version of ourselves, one that is more integrated, authentic and leads from the heart.

You can embrace your feminine energy by strengthening your intuition, being present with your feelings, recharging your mind and body, practicing self-reflection, tapping into your creative side, and honouring your body internally and externally.

When women connect to their feminine energy, they focus on self-love, healthy boundaries and their inner wisdom. Past traumas can block our ability to tap into our feminine energy which is intuitive and creative.

To be truly balanced, to get things done and to have healthy relationships, both the masculine and the feminine need to be present.

Credit: Joao Bidu

By leaning into your feminine energy, you get to tap into your fierce power, your inner goddess. You access spiritual wisdom and you become comfortable with the aspects of yourselves that may have before been categorized as shameful, too “much”, or too emotional. You get to own your emotions, learn from them, alchemize them and heal.

All of this means that you will be coming into a whole new version of yourself. No matter where you are on your journey, remember to show up for yourself. You will find there are always more layers to peel back.